
Quantum Resonance Application


The LifeSpring Quantum Resonance Application

Introducing the LifeSpring QRA, a brand new way to deliver a powerful set of frequencies and information waves that have a direct effect on your everyday life.

Our app is designed to harmonize your Morphic Fields and Frequencies* using proprietary technology

Natural ‘Morphic Frequencies’ are found in living systems, which scientists believe, can degrade, become damaged or disrupted due to the influences of surrounding electromagnetic frequencies

Morphic Frequencies are also disrupted by environmental conditions found in today’s modern world.

Fortunately the use of the app frequencies and information patterns can stimulate the natural restoration of Morphic Frequencies and Fields of substances including water, plants, animals and human body.

How to use the LifeSpringQRA App

For optimal performance be sure your mobile device is properly charged. The LifeSpring QRA will NOT operate if your battery charge is less than 20%. The App is designed for Apple & Android operating systems, ideal for mobiles no older than 3 years old. You can determine which version of mobile you are running from the settings menu on your device.

It is important to make sure that other applications that are running on your phone have been properly closed to allow for installation and operation of the LifeSpringQRA. Also, during the installation process, you must have an active connection to the internet. After the LifeSpringQRA has been installed there is no need for an internet connection for the App to properly function.

Its important to note that the App should Not be used by children under the age of 6 or pregnant woman. It is also important to note that you should NEVER shine the light beam of the phone directly into anyone’s eyes.

Here are the best ways to utilize the LifeSpringQRA App: 

Earthing Icon Only

EARTHING is for your water/liquids (coffee, juice and soups) Foods and snacks. Its natural harmonizing frequencies will enhance the flavor and provide energetic nourishment for you! 

Balance Icon Only

BALANCE is for Quantum healing. Do not place directly on the skin- wave 6 inches from your body. Keep in mind do not look directly at the beam of light. Use only for 1 minute and 1 session at a time. Tune up be placing in the midsection over your heart. Just like over exposure to sunlight the LifeSpring QRA will not burn you and is best to start off slow. 

Bliss Icon Only

BODY is the beauty and FEEL GOOD effect. (Keep 6-12 inches from your face).  It’s like a digital spa and can be used with any beauty treatments. Works great on any serums, essential oils, hair & nail care products. Apply the App directly to a small amount of your beauty product prior to applying to your face or hands.

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